Author Topic: Password field is nowhere to be seen in TeamViewer client  (Read 8020 times)


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Password field is nowhere to be seen in TeamViewer client
« on: February 28, 2019, 03:45:15 AM »

We use have the pro version.
I created a setup exe for our client "TeamViewer_Host_Setup.exe" and everything works fine, except for two computers....

After the installation, I ask them to double click on the icon, the TeamViewer windows appear on screen, they can see the "Your ID" field and the ID, but no password. I mean no field at all, its blank!

It's a win10 Pro, and it works fin on dozen other same computers.
I ask them to uninstall and reinstall again, same result...

Any idea



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Re: Password field is nowhere to be seen in TeamViewer client
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2019, 02:32:40 AM »
Fund the solution!
It was some users who choose the wrong option after finishing the session.
On user side, you just have to go to the settings => security  => password, and change from disable to 6 charactere (or more)


