Author Topic: TeamViewer 5 time limit?  (Read 17430 times)


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TeamViewer 5 time limit?
« on: May 22, 2010, 05:14:26 PM »
Hi There:

I recently downloaded and installed the full version of TeamViewer 5, the recommended version on the home page, to help my mother with problems. It is fully installed on her laptop as well. This is of course the free personal version.

However, I find that regardless of previous comments that it no longer has a time limit, or that we are supposed to have up to 25 hours per month of use, that the mouse use still fades and it eventually logs out after maybe 5 minutes.

Am I missing something here? Does anyone else have this problem? Anything in the settings that I should adjust?




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Re: TeamViewer 5 time limit?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 12:16:57 PM »
i dont run in to that problem, not sure what it could be, perhaps uninstall using something like Revo uninstaller( the free version) that does a "clean" uninstall to remove any traces of the program then reinstal.

