General Category > Teamviewer for Windows

Autostart with Windows then close to systray


Hi to everybody and thanks to all that can help!

The title says it all. I want to start TV automatically, then minimize it to the systray.

I'm running TV 15.31.5 (32-bit) on a Windows 10 machine. I set up TV to start with windows, and then close to the systray. However, it is not executing as expected (if at all) every time. I have searched the TV Forums, but only found instructions for Win 7. I am running Win 10.

Currently, in TV:
   - In Menu-> Extras-> Options-> General, under "Most popular options", then under "Important options for working with TeamViewer", "Start TeamViewer with Windows" IS checked.
   - In Menu-> Extras-> Options-> Advanced-> Show advanced options, under "Advanced options for working with TeamViewer", then under"General advanced settings", "Close to tray menu" IS checked.

What else do I need to do?


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