Author Topic: ALT + Prnt Scrn  (Read 8685 times)


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ALT + Prnt Scrn
« on: June 26, 2010, 11:20:41 AM »
anyone familiar with ALT + Prnt Scrn? (it just copies the active window) is there a way to do this while in a session with Teamviewer?  i did the obvious  "ALT + PRINT" and then assuming it was in cache i went to a doc and hit paste.  i got nothing. or the printscreen from the last time i was at the helm of that pc.

just let me know if it works for somebody then i know it's just a personal problem.

anyways, any help appreciated... maybe a mapped key or one of the F keys or something?



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Re: ALT + Prnt Scrn
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 12:14:34 PM »
CTRL + Prnt SCrn, then opened a new image doc and pasted, worked fine...