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Teamviewer for Windows / Re: eBay login disconnects TeamViewer - every time
« Last post by Figmo on November 16, 2018, 11:01:29 AM »
What is interesting is - this happens if you login to eBay on EITHER computer (local or remote).   e.g. eBay logging in from the remote computer disconnects TeamViewer.   But even switching to a different window and then logging into eBay on the the local computer causes the remote session in the other window to disconnect. 

So really - there is just no way to login to eBay from anywhere that can keep the active TeamViewer session from disconnecting. 

I would guess there is some strange sequence of bytes being transmitted to eBay when you log in - and that TeamViewer intercepts and interprets these as some sort of disconnect code (or causes some fatal internal TeamViewer error causing the disconnect)
Teamviewer for Windows / Re: eBay login disconnects TeamViewer - every time
« Last post by AndyChips on November 15, 2018, 05:23:02 AM »
Yep, happens to me too. Can't for the life of me figure out why.
Teamviewer for Windows / eBay login disconnects TeamViewer - every time
« Last post by Figmo on November 13, 2018, 08:55:20 AM »
A couple months ago - eBay changed the look of their login screen.   It took me a while to make the connection and a while longer waiting on a fix from TeamViewer - but finally I could stand it no longer and so I'm out seeking advice.

Happens on every computer (I use 4 regularly) and happens EVERY time (reproducible) .   Enter user eBay name/password, click login, then <BAM>...TeamViewer disconnects.   I then Reconnect and see that the eBay login has completed and all is fine.

This happens  in both the Chrome and the Edge web browsers as well as within a custom mini-browser contained inside an app I often use that is built on the FireFox platform.   So I do not think it is a browser specific problem.

Searching the forms yields nothing.  Which worries me.   Hate it when I'm the only person having a problem.

So....Am I the *ONLY* person to see this?    Any ideas?
Answering my own question, yes it works! Yay!
My daughter is able to upgrade to macOS 10.11.6 on her late 2008 MacBookPro5,1, evidently latest Teamviewer she could install is Teamviewer 10-14. Will I be able to access her computer to help her with a problem from Teamviewer 14.0.11436 Beta, on Mojave macOS 10.14.2?
Previous Versions of Teamviewer / Re: TeamViewer Version 7.x Download
« Last post by jolley on November 07, 2018, 06:46:57 AM »
Hi ,

Is there any older version then 7.0.43148 that i can download , but younger then 8.x?


I am also looking for this same version 7.0.43148. Let me know, if you were able to source it from any site.

Thank you!
Teamviewer for Linux / Teamviewer11 on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 is not able to login
« Last post by wrl on November 05, 2018, 05:57:38 PM »
On the screen of "Computers & Contacts", I got no response after inputting username, password and clicking the "Sign In", and I got the same result under the menu Connection->Setup unattended access where the password will be automatically cleared after entering username, password and clicking Next.

Does anybody know why? or is it related to my account privileges?
Thanks for advise in advance.
Teamviewer for Linux / Re: Content.IE5 Folder
« Last post by nla on October 25, 2018, 03:25:23 AM »
I sent Teamviewer an email about this, and this was their response:

Thank you for contacting TeamViewer.
Yes, go ahead and delete them. Those are just temporary internet files.
Teamviewer for Linux / Content.IE5 Folder
« Last post by nla on October 19, 2018, 04:13:07 AM »
I just noticed that there are 4 folders containing 500,000 files in the below folder
.teamviewer/6/drive_c/users/col/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5/
I am using Teamviewer 6 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Can I simply delete them?
Teamviewer for Windows / Re: TeamViewer 13.1.1548
« Last post by 405Computer on October 08, 2018, 10:22:23 AM »
That first one is an older version, that's all
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