when I attempting to connect via local LAN from Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 2008 to my Linux machine (Lubuntu 12.10) it doesn't work without error. But the connection from Lubuntu to Windows is fine in the local LAN. When I attempting to connect via Internet from Windows to Lubuntu the connection is ok.
I use TeamViewer 7.0.9377 and the firewall (ufw is inactive)
I enable local connection settings in teamviewer.
Here is my teamviewer local entry from Linux:
2013/04/25 16:59:48.956 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Run
2013/04/25 16:59:48.957 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.HdlExt
2013/04/25 16:59:48.957 8 34 G0 CT5 TM.TM_GWin
2013/04/25 16:59:48.959 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=304190325 L=32
2013/04/25 16:59:48.960 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=304190325 To=210855874 L=32
2013/04/25 16:59:48.961 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Receive.CMD_REQUESTCONNECT From=210855874 To=304190325 L=48
2013/04/25 16:59:48.961 8 34 G0 CT5 TM.TM_GWin
2013/04/25 16:59:48.963 8 35 G0 CT6 CT.Run
2013/04/25 16:59:48.963 8 34 G0!! CTerminalServer::StartDesktopProcess(): Direct LAN connection failed, TargetSession=0 SessionFound=1 WTSActive=0 GUIRunning=1 AlwaysOnline=0 ConsoleSession=0 UserLoggedIn=0
2013/04/25 16:59:48.963 8 35 G0 CT6 TM.TM_TV
2013/04/25 16:59:48.964 8 34 G0 SessionID=0 Name= State=WTSInit Detailed state= User= Console=0 RDPClientIP= RDPClientName= DyngateID=304190325 GUIRunning=1 IsUserLoggedIn=1
2013/04/25 16:59:48.964 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Send.CMD_DISCONNECT From=304190325 To=210855874 L=4
2013/04/25 16:59:48.965 8 34 G0 CT5 CT.Disconnect
2013/04/25 16:59:48.965 8 34 G0 CloseSocketSafely(): Received and discard data. Dump:
0000 17 24 17 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .$..............
0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0020 00 .
2013/04/25 16:59:49.064 8 35 G0 CT6 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2013/04/25 16:59:49.065 8 35 G0 CT6 CT.Disconnect
And here is my teamviewer local entry from Windows:
2013/04/25 17:23:06.063 2832 4536 S0!! NetWatchdog: Port 443 proxy search failed! No working setting found.
2013/04/25 17:23:22.318 2832 4536 S0!! NetWatchdog: Port 80 proxy search failed! No working setting found., Errorcode=12017
2013/04/25 17:23:34.283 1316 4076 G1 Trying connection to, mode = 1
2013/04/25 17:23:34.299 1316 4236 G1 CLogin::run()
2013/04/25 17:23:34.299 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.TM_GWout. - CT219 - S217
2013/04/25 17:23:34.299 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.Connect.
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.Connected
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.Connected
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 CT219 TM.TM_GWout
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=210855874 To=0 L=32
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTCONNECT From=210855874 To=0 L=48
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 CT219 CT.Send.CMD_SESSIONMODE From=210855874 To=0 L=28
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 908 S0 GWS.ConnectToRemote.Connected.StartThread
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 6084 S0 CT219 CT.Run
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 6084 S0 CT219 TM.TM_GWout
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 5220 S0 CT218 CT.Run
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 1316 4236 G1 CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient()
2013/04/25 17:23:34.470 2832 5220 S0 CT218 TM.TM_TV
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0 CT219 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=210855874 L=32
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0 Encryption started
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0 CT219 CT.Receive.CMD_DISCONNECT From=304190325 To=210855874 L=4
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0! S217 NC.Read.Failed4
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0 CT219 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 2832 6084 S0 CT219 CT.Disconnect
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 1316 4236 G1!! CLoginClient::NegotiateVersionClient socket was closed while reading
2013/04/25 17:23:34.486 1316 4236 G1 CLogin::run() leave
2013/04/25 17:23:34.595 2832 5220 S0 CT218 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2013/04/25 17:23:34.595 2832 5220 S0 CT218 CT.Disconnect
2013/04/25 17:23:42.255 2832 4536 S0!! NetWatchdog: Port 443 proxy search failed! No working setting found.
2013/04/25 17:23:58.855 2832 4536 S0!! NetWatchdog: Port 80 proxy search failed! No working setting found., Errorcode=12017
Thanks for any help