Author Topic: Sharing 2 PCs Over LAN - Problem  (Read 4133 times)


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Sharing 2 PCs Over LAN - Problem
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:16:33 AM »
Hello everyone,
first of all im new to this forum and to the TeamViewer app also english isnt my native language but ill try to do my best in explaining the problem, here we go!

I`m using TV at home, yeah it of course works great i really love all the options/customizations but i`ve got a problem with it...

I`m using my "primary" PC as host and i`m controlling it over LAN with my laptop, it works great but when im doing work at laptop its actually done on main PC (yup i know, "remote control") i would like to do something like dual-screen on main PC so i can work on my main PC AND someone can work on laptop via TV and do not disturb me (working on second screen/desktop) so it would be more like sharing my cpu/ram etc. rather than just remote controlling my main PC

Here is what i`ve came across so far:
DVI/VGA dummy so i can trick my pc to think i have dualscreen then it should be easy... then there`s another problem, i will have only one mouse pointer, whats next?

use TV on main pc within virtual machine, again, one mouse pointer...

PC cluster, i would rather not include this one... totally out of play, not what i search for

If you know what i mean, could you please try to help me? I really love the idea of for example viewing a movie on my PC and someone in the second room with a laptop also watching a movie (different one ofc) but all rendered etc. on my main PC...

Please help, i`ve searched really hard on google and didnt find anything similliar to my problem

