Hello All,
My Windows 10 decided to do an update automatically. Since then I have not been able to connect to TeamViewer. It shows "Initializing Display Parameters" and then nothing happens. I have restarted the PC i am trying to remote from - I have updated to the latest Team Viewer Version 11.0.53254 . Tried on multiple computers and same issue. It just doesn't go past Initializing Display Parameters.
Here are some logs that hopefully help (I removed session IDs):
2015/12/17 08:37:47.365 2192 3060 S0 SessionInformationManager[7]::TerminateWindowsSession(): terminating TVSession -in WindowsSession 1 isOutgoing: 0
2015/12/17 08:37:47.365 2192 3060 S0 CarrierContainer.SendCarrierSwitch: state=2, carrier=1
2015/12/17 08:37:47.365 2192 3060 S0 UdpCarrierDeactivationState::DiscloseStateToCarrier: empty send buffer is not flushed
2015/12/17 08:37:47.365 2192 3060 S0 Activating Router carrier
2015/12/17 08:37:47.365 2192 3680 S0! UdpConnection[11]: UDP statistics: nb=27
2015/12/17 08:37:47.369 2192 1972 S0! Carrier[7]::EndCarrierInternal: Discarded 1 commands, ClientID , ShutdownGracefully 1, SessionType_RoutingSession
2015/12/17 08:37:47.369 2192 1972 S0 ConnectionGuard: no restrictions
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 6740 5996 G1 MachineHooks: got quit event
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 6740 1180 G1 MachineHooks: Stop DragInterceptor
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 6740 1180 G1 CClipboardChangeListener::UnregisterFromClipboardChanges
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 6740 1180 G1 WindowObserverGUI::SessionEnded: 0
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 2192 1540 S0 CPersistentParticipantManager::RemoveParticipant: [,-]
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 2192 1540 S0 CStreamManager::ParticipantRemoved: Our own participant was removed, we must terminate our session
2015/12/17 08:37:47.370 6740 1180 G1 VoIP: Receiver: Terminate
2015/12/17 08:37:47.371 6740 6064 G1 VoIP: Receiver: ThreadPool:StopThreads
2015/12/17 08:37:47.372 2192 1972 S0 CGatewaySession[7]::EndSession(): Session to ended. Estimated capacity=111036kBit/s, Latency=0ms
2015/12/17 08:37:47.372 2192 1972 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=37
2015/12/17 08:37:47.372 2192 1572 S0! RemoteSession[7]::HandleMissingCarrier(): Carrier 1000 is null!