Author Topic: Changing the instalation on remote PC  (Read 7696 times)


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Changing the instalation on remote PC
« on: December 06, 2011, 04:40:44 AM »
Hi !
I am trying to support my mother (82) to learn how to use a computer. She is in France , I am in Germany.
I have on my PC teamviewer 7 , she has teamviewer  quicksupport 7.
Now it is so that she has to open manually her TM QS and give me each time a new password.
How can I change her TM QS so from my PC so that wen she starts and turns her PC on  TM starts automatically and she doesn´t have to kommunikat a new password each time.
Can I do it from my pc ? how ? I have read the manual ,  TM QC schould be installed in system tray and the password fixed. It wasn´t done by the first instalation, now i have to do it from here,  thank you for your help.
greetings from germany, where christmas weather is still not here.


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Re: Changing the instalation on remote PC
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2011, 08:37:17 AM »
you should be able to login to TM via QS.
Then travel to the teamviewer website and download the full version for the correct operating system( windows/mac/android) to her desktop

you may be able to run the application form the desktop, you may have to disconnect from teamviewer and call your mother and instruct her:

double click on the downloaded file on your desktop.
When asked if you want to run or install choose install.

when asked if you would like to setup TM for use later choose no.
when asked if you would like to setup a TM account choose no.
once TM is set up, click the icon to bring up the TM window
choose  Extra/Options
check mark the box that says "start Team viewer with Windows"

now look on the left, and click on "security"
you will see two boxes for password, type a password of your choice in each box ( must be exactly the same).

under "rules for this computer"
windows logon, chose allow for all users" form the drop down

under access control choose

click "ok"
restart computer(remote) , it should not restart with TM running and you should be able to access it remotely using the password that was typed in
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 08:50:45 AM by ERS »


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Re: Changing the instalation on remote PC
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2011, 09:24:15 AM »
Thank you !
Ok I have to install on her pc the full version.
the problem is that i have to disconnect ! and my mother doesn´t even know how to use a mouse  :-\
There is no way without disconneting ?


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Re: Changing the instalation on remote PC
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2011, 01:46:00 PM »
i dont beleive there is, you could use quick-support to download the file( not run it) to her desktop, disconect and perhaps slowly walk her through the installation over the phone?


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Re: Changing the instalation on remote PC
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 08:31:58 AM »
How did you go with this, halbfoze?
Was it worth a weekend drive down to France?  Or the recruitment of a neighbour?
It's tricky, and I don't believe Tvr has changed in ten months. I tried to do what you needed to do yesterday on my LAN. There's an argument for a remote unattended setup of Tvr proper, on reboot.  It may be a little tricky answering the 'non-commercial' question, or supplying a licence.  The licence could be added later, I suppose.
What about your mum sending you a photo of the screen at each step?  That might work.
Ha!  You could even try LogMeIn to set up Tvr.. :)