Hi, wondering if anyone has seen this problem running Teamviewer 7 on Ubuntu 12.10 and getting this when attempting to connect via local LAN from Windows 7 Teamviewer 7 Client. BTW - Connection works ok if I don’t use local LAN.
Here is the teamviewer log entry:
2013/02/01 08:14:18.534 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Run
2013/02/01 08:14:18.535 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.HdlExt
2013/02/01 08:14:18.535 8 32 G0 CT3 TM.TM_GWin
2013/02/01 08:14:18.536 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=457047183 L=32
2013/02/01 08:14:18.536 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=457047183 To=486690004 L=32
2013/02/01 08:14:18.537 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_REQUESTCONNECT From=486690004 To=457047183 L=48
2013/02/01 08:14:18.537 8 32 G0 CT3 TM.TM_GWin
2013/02/01 08:14:18.539 8 33 G0 CT4 CT.Run
2013/02/01 08:14:18.539 8 32 G0!! CTerminalServer::StartDesktopProcess(): Direct LAN connection failed, TargetSession=0 SessionFound=1 WTSActive=0 GUIRunning=1 AlwaysOnline=0 ConsoleSession=0 UserLoggedIn=0
2013/02/01 08:14:18.540 8 33 G0 CT4 TM.TM_TV
2013/02/01 08:14:18.540 8 32 G0 SessionID=0 Name= State=WTSInit Detailed state= User= Console=0 RDPClientIP= RDPClientName= DyngateID=457047183 GUIRunning=1 IsUserLoggedIn=1
2013/02/01 08:14:18.540 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_DISCONNECT From=457047183 To=486690004 L=4
2013/02/01 08:14:18.541 8 32 G0 CT3 CT.Disconnect
2013/02/01 08:14:18.541 8 32 G0 CloseSocketSafely(): Received and discard data. Dump:
0000 17 24 17 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .$..............
0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0020 00 .
2013/02/01 08:14:18.641 8 33 G0 CT4 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2013/02/01 08:14:18.641 8 33 G0 CT4 CT.Disconnect
Thanks for any help you might provide