Every now and then, every few version revisions, Teamviewer forgets the positions of the windows I have established for my applications. I have two monitors.
Tv ignores the saved positions of my applications' windows and places them, when viewing from a client, in the window where the application is started - as I say, irrespective of where I've placed them when using the host itself. Irrespective of Windows' defaults.
Sometimes in the past, Tv has remembered positions, then, after a minor update or two, it forgets them. Arrrgh.
For instance, I have my Outlook 2010 application running on my second, smaller, right-hand-side monitor, with messages opening in my main, central, monitor. Outlook/Windows remembers that. Tv (10.0.41459, latest), however, opens messages in the secondary, smaller, monitor, when viewing from a client. Other apps, too.
Windows 7/32 Ultimate.
I've seen no setting addressing placement of applications' windows; any change from default. Nothing.
Ideas, anyone?