Hello there,
I have a little problem. I'm managing a couple of Linux computers running Ubuntu 10.04 with TeamViewer 6 from my Windows 7 32-bit PC. Its all working well, I have set the Linux machines to login automatically and TeamViewer to launch automatically, this all works well.
My problem is though I wanna send the key combination CTRL-C to a running terminal session on these Ubuntu machines at the end of the day to stop a script but it's not working via TeamViewer.
The odd thing is when I launch a new terminal i can close it with CTRL-D

If it matters I'm running version 6.0.10511 on my Windows machine and on the Ubuntu machines it's 6.0.9224.
Does anyone have a tip or clue about this issue?
I checked out UltraVNC and I can connect to my Linux machines after I installed x11vnc on them. It's working out nicely and it has file fransfer too AND i figured out it can handle all key combinations I always wanted, like CTRL-C so it looks like I will use this program from now on. That's actually a bit sad because TeamViewer never disappointed me. I wonder if anyone here has an opinion on this.