I uninstalled, deleted the settings and reinstalled... here is what i get:
2013/06/19 15:40:56.245 124 1968 S0 Using IPC-Port 5939
2013/06/19 15:40:56.245 124 1968 S0 Force Autostart GUI for session ID 0
2013/06/19 15:40:56.308 124 1968 S0 CTerminalServer::getPathToApplicationExe(): Choosing standard filename.
2013/06/19 15:40:56.308 124 1968 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Filename for GUI process is C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version8\TeamViewer.exe
2013/06/19 15:40:56.308 124 1968 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() GUI process 1760 started for user ***\*** in session 0
2013/06/19 15:40:56.308 124 1968 S0 CTerminalServer::StartGUIProcess() Event 5 sent to GUI.
2013/06/19 15:40:56.308 124 1968 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2013/06/19 15:40:56.713 124 3660 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 124 3660 S0 CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=0 session=0 ptype=2
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 124 3660 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 124 3660 S0 TeamViewer is going online!
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 124 1560 S0 KeepAliveThread started
2013/06/19 15:40:56.651 1760 2212 G0 Monitors: Plug and Play Monitor, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1024x768 (0,0), flags=0
2013/06/19 15:40:56.713 1760 2212 G0 Opening local TCP connection to
2013/06/19 15:40:56.713 1760 2212 G0 Local TCP connection established
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 1760 2212 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 1760 2212 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2013/06/19 15:40:56.760 1760 2212 G0 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2013/06/19 15:40:56.776 1760 2212 G0 ProxySearch: found IE setting:
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 3340 G0 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 3340 G0 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 3340 G0 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 2212 G0 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2013/06/19 15:40:56.901 1760 2212 G0 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2013/06/19 15:40:56.948 124 3660 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 1184
2013/06/19 15:40:57.088 1184 1740 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version8\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version8\TeamViewer8_Logfile.log
2013/06/19 15:40:57.088 1184 1740 L32 Starting Loader
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 3340 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f50000, refcnt = 1)
2013/06/19 15:40:56.885 1760 3340 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f50000, refcnt = 2)
2013/06/19 15:40:57.541 1760 3340 G0 Tray created!
2013/06/19 15:40:57.541 1760 3340 G0 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=0 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1
2013/06/19 15:40:57.541 1760 1768 G0 CTVUpdate::StartVersionFileDownloadWithCallback(): Start download of version file...
2013/06/19 15:40:57.541 1760 3128 G0 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2013/06/19 15:40:57.556 1760 3340 G0! CoreAudioSystemMixer::EnumerateDevices MMDeviceEnumerator failed with error = -2147221164
2013/06/19 15:40:57.572 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2013/06/19 15:40:57.572 1760 620 G0 AudioDriver: Thread Running
2013/06/19 15:40:57.572 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2013/06/19 15:40:57.634 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'USB Microphone', 'usbaudio.sys', id 0
2013/06/19 15:40:57.634 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'Realtek HD Audio Input', 'RtkHDAud.sys', id 1
2013/06/19 15:40:57.634 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'Live! Cam Voice (Mic) #9', 'usbaudio.sys', id 2
2013/06/19 15:40:57.634 1760 3340 G0 AudioDriver: using play dev 'Realtek HD Audio output', 'RtkHDAud.sys', id 0
2013/06/19 15:40:57.650 1760 3340 G0 PredefinedSessionPassword (reset) ForceId(0) CurrentId(0) ConsoleId(0)
2013/06/19 15:40:57.650 1760 3340 G0 Show Intro Screen
2013/06/19 15:40:57.681 1760 3340 G0 before opening URL:
http://client.teamviewer.com/intro/index.aspx?lng=en&version=8.0.19045&os=win&tab=12013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 3660 S0!! CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead error 10054 reading from process 1760: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 3660 S0!! CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ReadFailed session=0 ptype=2
2013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 3660 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 3660 S0 TeamViewer is going offline!
2013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 3660 S0 Offline() StopListening.WT
2013/06/19 15:40:57.884 124 1156 S0 Process 1760 in session 0 has terminated
2013/06/19 15:40:58.087 1184 1740 L32 Error! TeamViewer terminated unexpectedly!
2013/06/19 15:40:58.102 1184 1740 L32 Exit
2013/06/19 15:41:02.768 124 1560 S0!! S1 NC.connectTcp(): connect timedOut to: ping3.teamviewer.com
2013/06/19 15:41:02.987 124 1560 S0 S2 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:02.987 124 1560 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_PING From=0 To=0 L=4
2013/06/19 15:41:03.158 124 1560 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_PINGOK From=0 To=0 L=4
2013/06/19 15:41:03.346 124 1560 S0 NetWatchdog: Port 443 proxy connection type=1, IP='', user='' succeeded
2013/06/19 15:41:03.346 124 1560 S0 NetWatchdog: Ping successful!
2013/06/19 15:41:03.346 124 1560 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2013/06/19 15:41:03.564 124 1560 S0 S3 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:03.564 124 1560 S0 CT4 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=0 To=0 L=394
2013/06/19 15:41:03.658 124 1560 S0 CT4 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=0 L=23
2013/06/19 15:41:03.658 124 1560 S0 CT4 CT.Disconnect
2013/06/19 15:41:03.658 124 1560 S0! MC.Reg f=Reg&ic=-1002218904&id=0&iguid={a7937e1b-3628-4fa3-acd6-4bdad7f9c11c}&logging=1&mac=0x001e9035153e_1c910eb66d8fba8_478830062&mid=0x001e9035153e_1c910eb66d8fba8_478830062&midf=1&midhistory=0x001e9035153e_1c910eb66d8fba8_478830062|u35901e003e1508200611101837000000001e9035153e83f94e89778d19a8ea618d7b53890778&midv=0&os=WinXP&rhash={2487e436-b698-935b-df7a-367c231791ea}&smidv=1&sro=0&v=8.0.19045 - 0#320750973:388896102+1
2013/06/19 15:41:03.720 124 1888 S0 EnumComputers.1
2013/06/19 15:41:03.767 124 1560 S0 S4 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:03.767 124 1560 S0 CT5 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=320750973 To=0 L=307
2013/06/19 15:41:03.814 124 1888 S0 S5 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:03.814 124 1888 S0 CT6 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=320750973 To=0 L=183
2013/06/19 15:41:03.861 124 1560 S0 CT5 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=320750973 L=4
2013/06/19 15:41:03.861 124 1560 S0 CT5 CT.Disconnect
2013/06/19 15:41:03.907 124 1888 S0 CT6 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=320750973 L=4
2013/06/19 15:41:03.907 124 1888 S0 CT6 CT.Disconnect
2013/06/19 15:41:03.954 124 1560 S0 S6 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:03.954 124 1560 S0 CT7 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=320750973 To=0 L=310
2013/06/19 15:41:04.048 124 1560 S0 CT7 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=320750973 L=4
2013/06/19 15:41:04.048 124 1560 S0 CT7 CT.Disconnect
2013/06/19 15:41:04.048 124 1560 S0 Resource-Language:en
2013/06/19 15:41:04.141 124 1560 S0 S7 NC.ConnectPort443.Connected
2013/06/19 15:41:04.141 124 1560 S0 CT8 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=320750973 To=0 L=635
2013/06/19 15:41:04.251 124 1560 S0 CT8 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=320750973 L=108
2013/06/19 15:41:04.251 124 1560 S0 CT8 CT.Disconnect
2013/06/19 15:41:04.251 124 1560 S0 MC.L addonchannels=0&ckaportsenabled=0&client=TV&commercial=1&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=388896102&id=320750973&iguid={a7937e1b-3628-4fa3-acd6-4bdad7f9c11c}&keepalive=1&language=en&licensetype=0&logging=1&mid=u35901e003e1508200611101837000000001e9035153e83f94e89778d19a8ea618d7b53890778&midf=1&midhistory=0x001e9035153e_1c910eb66d8fba8_478830062|u35901e003e1508200611101837000000001e9035153e83f94e89778d19a8ea618d7b53890778&midv=1&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=WinXP&port443out=1&rhash={2487e436-b698-935b-df7a-367c231791ea}&runtime=7&smidv=1&sro=0&supportedfeatures=11533277&tcpout=0&usageenvironment=2&v=8.0.19045 - 0#OK_10000_-_2__46.165.192.223:443_33811_1_-1_0.0.0.0__178.77.120.7_178.77.120.6_0_320750973_1_0_0_0_261929_
2013/06/19 15:41:04.251 124 1560 S0 local license differs from master license
2013/06/19 15:41:04.266 124 1560 S0 KeepAliveThread ended
2013/06/19 15:41:04.266 124 3660 S0 MainApp.Shutdown.GWS.Disconnect n=0
2013/06/19 15:41:04.266 124 3660 S0 Offline() CT.Terminate
2013/06/19 15:41:04.266 124 3660 S0 Offline() Shutdown.WT