I've been using TV for about a year and a half now to remotely connect to a computer in an observatory. Typically I remotely power on the computer wait for it to load and then TV recognizes that the computer has come online. After the session I shutdown the computer. Since upgrading to the latest version of TV I've been getting a popup that says the partner may be inaccessable for awhile and asking me sometheing along the lines of "wait for partner" or "cancel" when the session ends (sorry I can't remember the specifics). I've been hitting cancel. The other night I accidently hit wait for partner.
From that moment on I can no longer access the computer. I power it up, it appears to be on because I can see the amperage draw off of my power supply, but the computer never registers as being online. Of course there may be something wrong with the computer (the internet and my network at the observatory is fully operational, I can connect to all other servers and even my other computer with TV just not this specific computer). Could the wait for partner have done this or is it just coincidence?
Thank you for the help.
Sincerely Mike