Author Topic: odd logout behavior  (Read 3698 times)


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odd logout behavior
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:51:10 PM »
Win8x: When logging out first from Win8x and then logging out from TV - next time I try to connect I get the black window on client and cannot login to win. But if I donĀ“t log off from win8x and let TV logout for me (with the option "Lock computer" - Lock at session end) instead it works to login in next time.
This is a new behavior and began to happen since 2-3 months and I suspect is some of the MS updates that is creating this. Anyone else who has this problem ? What is causing this odd behavior ?

Win7: after latest updates noticed than if I restart the Win7 client,  TV service is not starting automatically as it should and as it did before. The client is set up for unattended access and have been working fine and as it should until last updates. 
How does the TV-service install itself by default - is it running as system or is it running as user ?

