Author Topic: Problem Joining Meeting  (Read 3690 times)


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Problem Joining Meeting
« on: March 23, 2015, 10:28:07 PM »
I am using the free Version 10 of TeamViewer.  I emailed meeting invitations to ten people, using the message generated by the TV meeting control panel.  The people who have never installed TeamViewer on their computers had no trouble joining the meeting.

But, the invitees that have TV installed on their computer are not able to join the meeting by clicking on the generated link.  They get a TV welcome screen, but it doesn't open the meeting display.  There are options to "log in as an organizer" and to "start an instant meeting", but neither of these options were interesting.

We did discover that the TV attendees could join the meeting by opening their TV application and selecting "Meeting" and then "Join Meeting" and typing in the meeting number.

Is this the way that the system is supposed to work?  This is awkward because I have to send out two sets of invitations; one set for attendees how don't have TV installed, and another set for attendees who do have TV.  This is especially hard if you don't know which attendees have, or don't have, TV installed.

Thanks for any advice on this issue.

