2015/09/22 00:23:31.531 1784 1296 S0 CT2 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=251243015 L=276
2015/09/22 00:23:31.531 1784 1296 S0 CT2 CT.Disconnect
2015/09/22 00:23:31.531 1784 1296 S0 MC.L addonchannels=0&ckaportsenabled=0&client=TVH&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=1586188161&id=251243015&iguid={a495680d-b77a-49a9-9eb4-eb4ad8decea9}&keepalive=1&language=fr&lastkeepaliveperformance=|u1e004b80008c690198950022157601fd0022157601fd6eba3207dd3ed3de8f619132351212f8|v1e004b80008c690198950022157601fd0022157601fd6eba3207dd3ed3de8f619132351212f8<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midv=1&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=Win7&port443out=0&rhash={ea0a287b-a0a8-6b03-d98a-aecca7cd279f}&runtime=0&smidv=2&sro=0&supportedfeatures=871365596&tcpout=1&v=10.0.47484 H - 0#OK_10000_-_2__188.214.134.4:5938_32337_1_-1_0.0.0.0__178.77.120.105_178.77.120.104_0_251243015_1_0_0_0_31195001__188.214.134.4,,,,,,,,,,,
2015/09/22 00:23:31.532 1784 1296 S0 CT3 CT.TM_WaitAtGateway. - CT3 - S3
2015/09/22 00:23:31.533 1784 1296 S0 CT3 CT.Connect to TeamViewer Router
2015/09/22 00:23:31.620 1784 1296 S0 CT3 CT.Connected
2015/09/22 00:23:31.621 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Run
2015/09/22 00:23:31.621 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=251243015 To=0 L=32
2015/09/22 00:23:31.621 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTKEEPALIVE2 From=251243015 To=0 L=24
2015/09/22 00:23:31.626 1784 5600 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2015/09/22 00:23:31.639 1784 5600 S0 CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=251243015 session=1 ptype=2
2015/09/22 00:23:31.640 1784 5600 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.314 3912 4820 G1 Logger started.
2015/09/22 00:23:31.327 3912 4820 G1!! SetProcessStartupOptions(): GetProcessUserModeExceptionPolicy() failed!
2015/09/22 00:23:31.502 3912 4820 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created
2015/09/22 00:23:31.512 3912 4820 G1 Monitors: Moniteur Plug-and-Play générique, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1920x1080 (0,0), flags=3, dpi=96
2015/09/22 00:23:31.512 3912 4820 G1 Monitors: Moniteur Plug-and-Play générique, \\.\DISPLAY2, 1920x1080 (1920,0), flags=3, dpi=96
2015/09/22 00:23:31.618 3912 4820 G1 CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2015/09/22 00:23:31.623 3912 4820 G1 InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
2015/09/22 00:23:31.624 3912 4820 G1 Opening local TCP connection to
2015/09/22 00:23:31.626 3912 4820 G1 Local TCP connection established
2015/09/22 00:23:31.639 3912 4820 G1 SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
2015/09/22 00:23:31.640 3912 4820 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.640 3912 4820 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2015/09/22 00:23:31.640 3912 4820 G1 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2015/09/22 00:23:31.657 3912 4820 G1 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2015/09/22 00:23:31.657 3912 4820 G1 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.658 3912 4820 G1 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2015/09/22 00:23:31.690 1784 5600 S0 CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.703 3912 4820 G1 PredefinedSessionPassword (reset) ForceId(1) CurrentId(1) ConsoleId(1)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.705 3912 4820 G1 TVUpdate::Init() Version-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/ Update-URL: download.teamviewer.com/download/update/
2015/09/22 00:23:31.709 1784 668 S0 CT3 Activating support for ccmdV2
2015/09/22 00:23:31.709 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_SESSIONID From=0 To=251243015 L=8
2015/09/22 00:23:31.710 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=251243015 L=32
2015/09/22 00:23:31.712 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 00:23:31.712 1784 668 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/09/22 00:23:31.712 1784 668 S0 CKeepAliveThreadServer::SyncClients(): Clients:
2015/09/22 00:23:31.712 1784 668 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=74
2015/09/22 00:23:31.741 1784 668 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/09/22 00:23:31.741 1784 668 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/09/22 00:23:31.747 3912 4820 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::StartRegistration: registering for ready state properties
2015/09/22 00:23:31.757 1784 5600 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 4636
2015/09/22 00:23:31.758 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=32
2015/09/22 00:23:31.759 3912 1164 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 76a4110d-76aa-4b2a-a37d-da8e39d675e0)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.759 1784 5600 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 30, RegistrationID: 76a4110d-76aa-4b2a-a37d-da8e39d675e0, DyngateID: 251243015, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.760 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.760 3912 1164 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 95f3e39c-ed95-411a-8531-6504591d0315)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.760 3912 1164 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::RegisterIncomingCommands: Registered successfully for incoming commands (after 0 retries)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.760 1784 5600 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 25, RegistrationID: 95f3e39c-ed95-411a-8531-6504591d0315, DyngateID: 251243015, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.760 3912 5108 G1 ChatRoomManager::ChatRoomManager: created
2015/09/22 00:23:31.761 3912 5108 G1 IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
2015/09/22 00:23:31.761 3912 5108 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::SetIncomingCommandCb: set incomingCommandCb
2015/09/22 00:23:31.761 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.782 3912 4820 G1 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates(): AutoUpdateMode=1, LastAutoUpdate=1442874146, AdminRights=1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.782 3912 4820 G1 Tray created!
2015/09/22 00:23:31.795 3912 4820 G1 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=0 allowIncoming=1 id=251243015 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2015/09/22 00:23:31.799 3912 4820 G1 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=0 allowIncoming=1 id=251243015 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2015/09/22 00:23:31.799 3912 4820 G1 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=0 allowIncoming=1 id=251243015 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2015/09/22 00:23:31.800 3912 5108 G1 IDLabelContent::UpdateImpl() IDs changed: SessionID "251243015", TSUserID "0", ServerID "0"
2015/09/22 00:23:31.821 3912 4820 G1 CMainWindow::SetVisibleDependingOnWindowState(): P_FORCE_WINSTATE_ONCE = WinState_Maximized
2015/09/22 00:23:31.836 3912 4752 G1 LateBindingDirectSound: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2015/09/22 00:23:31.843 3912 4764 G1 AudioDriver: Thread Running
2015/09/22 00:23:31.843 3912 4752 G1 AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2015/09/22 00:23:31.846 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=123
2015/09/22 00:23:31.846 1784 668 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20150921T222318.538120
2015/09/22 00:23:31.846 1784 668 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds
2015/09/22 00:23:31.846 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=655
2015/09/22 00:23:31.851 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.854 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.885 3912 4752 G1 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'Pilote de capture audio principal', '' (prim), id -1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.885 3912 4752 G1 AudioDriver: using play dev 'Périphérique audio principal', '' (prim), id -1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.894 3912 4752 G1! CAudioManager request audio mute state failed
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 3912 4820 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: Starting API server thread.
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 3912 4820 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: Waiting for init event...
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 3912 4820 G1 ApiServer::StartThread: ...init event was triggered.
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 3912 1072 G1 ApiServer::ApiMain: API thread started.
2015/09/22 00:23:31.904 1784 5600 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.905 3912 4820 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 0356b32b-5516-4058-be54-33c9846bbc4b)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.905 3912 4820 G1 Account::UpdateState: KA = 1, active = 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.907 1784 4240 S0 BonjourDiscoveryWin::DNSServiceHandleEvents: Reloading interfaces.
2015/09/22 00:23:31.940 4636 4632 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\TeamViewer10_Logfile.log
2015/09/22 00:23:31.946 1784 5600 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 34, RegistrationID: 0356b32b-5516-4058-be54-33c9846bbc4b, DyngateID: 251243015, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/09/22 00:23:31.960 4636 4632 L32 Starting Loader
2015/09/22 00:23:31.657 3912 4820 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x1800000, refcnt = 1)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.657 3912 4820 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x1800000, refcnt = 2)
2015/09/22 00:23:31.993 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.996 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:31.999 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:32.001 1784 668 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/09/22 00:23:32.009 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=1039
2015/09/22 00:23:32.014 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=1373
2015/09/22 00:23:32.121 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=1780
2015/09/22 00:23:32.138 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=776
2015/09/22 00:23:32.231 3912 4232 G1 TAF: Received answer is empty.
2015/09/22 00:23:32.244 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=778
2015/09/22 00:23:32.253 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=153
2015/09/22 00:23:32.253 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=251243015 To=281933162 L=153
2015/09/22 00:23:32.326 3912 4820 G1 Account::SetLoginState: new state: 2
2015/09/22 00:23:32.346 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=171
2015/09/22 00:23:32.346 1784 668 S0 AsyncMessaging::UnregisterAtAsyncMessageProvider(): Unregister successful
2015/09/22 00:23:32.346 1784 668 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=281933162 To=251243015 L=171
2015/09/22 00:23:34.328 3912 4916 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/09/22 00:23:36.888 3912 4916 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/09/22 00:53:57.327 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 01:24:24.311 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 01:54:49.293 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 02:25:13.268 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 02:55:38.249 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 03:26:03.225 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 03:56:29.212 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 04:26:56.197 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 04:57:19.177 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 05:27:44.157 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 05:58:10.148 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 06:28:33.126 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 06:58:58.107 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 07:29:24.093 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 07:59:50.075 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162
2015/09/22 08:30:13.070 1784 668 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 251243015 281933162