Author Topic: Group all error msg into 1 popup at the end? error although successful completn?  (Read 3505 times)


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  • Posts: 30
I transfer occasionally large directory trees from my local to a remote computer by using TeamViewer "File transfer" dialog.

These directory trees contain many files (> 10000). After a while of successful files transfers some popup appear here:

"There was an error of the server for the file
Error: the file system reported an error
Additional information: (0) The operation completed successully"


1. Whats the real reason for the error? Teamviewer message is not very meaningful
2. Why is there an error when at the end is written "The operation completed successfully"?
3. How can I group all error messages to ONE which appears at the end of all file transfers?

Currently I have toc click hundred times "Skip" button.
This is annoying
