Please advise a newbie!
TV10 is running on a windows xp host. It shows as being online, and the device status is normal with no alerts. Connection with password is attempted but does not complete. A host reboot option is not showing yet because the connection was not completed. Remote works flawlessly with another TV10 host running linux. Is there a way to reboot the host xp computer remotely with TV10? (I have the free TV for personal use only.) Thank you for your advice!
Here is part of the log file with selected digits redacted in case they are security-related:
2016/05/23 14:10:37.296 2880 4976 S0 Negotiating session encryption: server handshake received, encryption established with AES key length 256
2016/05/23 14:10:37.312 2880 4976 S0 Encryption confirmed by partner
2016/05/23 14:10:37.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowVersionHandshakeResponse.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:37.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 Activating UDP packet loss control ...
2016/05/23 14:10:37.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowVersionHandshakeResponse.InitUDP2
2016/05/23 14:10:37.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.SendUDPPings
2016/05/23 14:10:37.546 2880 4976 S0 CT39 CT.Receive.CMD_MEETING_AUTHENTICATION From=429625845 To=319150364 L=98
2016/05/23 14:10:37.546 2880 4976 S0 CGatewaySession::ReceivedCmdMeetingAuthentication: CC=8 CT=9
2016/05/23 14:10:37.734 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.UDPMasterReply
2016/05/23 14:10:37.734 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.PingOK.RequestUDP
2016/05/23 14:10:38.234 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.SendUDPPunches
2016/05/23 14:10:38.234 2880 5056 S0 CT40 punching version 0, type 2
2016/05/23 14:10:38.250 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.SendUDPPunchRequest 3
2016/05/23 14:10:38.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.PunchReceived,, p=6650
2016/05/23 14:10:38.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.SendUDPPunches
2016/05/23 14:10:38.406 2880 5056 S0 CT40 punching version 0, type 0
2016/05/23 14:10:38.421 2880 5056 S0! CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.PunchIgnored state=4
2016/05/23 14:10:38.515 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.SendUDPPunches
2016/05/23 14:10:38.515 2880 5056 S0 CT40 punching version 0, type 4
2016/05/23 14:10:38.531 2880 5056 S0! CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.PunchIgnored state=4
2016/05/23 14:10:38.531 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.MTUReceived
2016/05/23 14:10:38.531 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.CmdUDPPing.MTUReceived
2016/05/23 14:10:38.593 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowPunchReceived.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowUDPSendPossible.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 5056 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowUDPSendPossible.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 528 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowMTUReceived.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 528 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowMTUReceived.PrepareSwitchToUDP.Send
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 528 S0 CT40 Activating UDP carrier ...
2016/05/23 14:10:38.781 2880 528 S0 CT40 GWT.UDPFlowMTUReceived.Received
2016/05/23 14:10:38.937 2880 4976 S0 CT39 CT.Receive.CMD_CARRIER_SWITCH From=429625xxx To=319150xxx L=12
2016/05/23 14:10:38.937 2880 528 S0 GWS.ProcessCarrierSwitch: state=2, carrier=2
2016/05/23 14:10:38.937 2880 528 S0 CT40 CT.ProcessCarrierSwitchFinished
2016/05/23 14:10:51.515 2880 5056 S0 Estimated RTT to 429625xxx: 264 ms, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 2
2016/05/23 14:10:59.843 2880 5056 S0 Estimated Bandwidth Capacity to 429625xxx: 275 kbit/s, Reliability: 2, Carrier: 2