Author Topic: "Wake Up..." function will only work from sleep. Not from hibernate or off.  (Read 3940 times)


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I can't seem to wake up my win7 laptop in "hibernate" or "off" mode. I can only get it to wake when it is in "sleep" mode.

On the to-be-woken machine:
- In the BIOS "USB WAKE SUPPORT" is set to "enabled"
- In Device Manager->Network adapter->Properties->Power Management, both "Allow this device to wake computer" and "Allow only a magic packet to wake this computer" are ticked. (I have also tried with magic packet off)
- In Device Manager->Network Adapter->advanced->Wake On Magic Packet is enabled.
- The laptop is assigned to my Teamviewer account.
- Teamviewer->Extras->add ons->wake on lan-> I have tried putting my Teamviewer ID, and the Partner ID of the computer that is requesting the waking in here.

But I still can't get it to work.
