Has anyone had any experience with the Beta version 6 yet? I've been taking a look at it, incorporating the company policies and such. I'm liking what I see and the differences so far. It seems a bit of code got overlooked however.
We use Team Viewer Host on our users computers, and to do that we need a reliable reg file to duplicate reg settings. In Options, under Advanced > Team Viewer Options > Export options to a *.reg file, it works okay, and exports the reg file, but all the entries are saved as if it's still version 5.1. That is the registry entries are saved as:
So I guess my question is this. If anyone has had any prior experience with TeamViewer beta's, how does one communicate this type of information to the developers other than opening a ticket? I've looked, I don't see any beta communication links or developer email links at all.
I apologize for the long winded question, and I appreciate any info.