Author Topic: Cannot connect to LAN addresses without internet access  (Read 5419 times)


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Cannot connect to LAN addresses without internet access
« on: November 18, 2012, 03:13:11 AM »
I have a corporate license and version 7.0.15723.

Some of our customers have VPN solutions for accessing their network and we use TeamViewer with a partner IP address to remote control computers.

Here's the problem:
If I activate the VPN before I start TeamViewer, TeamViewer will try to connect to its internet server and when it fails it says "Not ready" and the "Connect to partner" button is grayed out.  :'( It should say "Only LAN connections possible" and the Connect button should be enabled.

What I need to do as a workaround is:
1. Start TeamViewer and let it locate its internet server.
2. Activate the VPN connection.
3. Rapidly press the TeamViewer Connect button, before it decides to reconsider its connection status and disable the connect button.

