Author Topic: Shortcut to local computers - slow internet  (Read 7099 times)


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Shortcut to local computers - slow internet
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:45:01 AM »

I am a retired computer person with computer hobbies, most is about measuring my local environment, and I have for example a dedicated computer for meterology, another for seismic events (BOINC) including attempts to detect individual cars and timber lorries and their drivers. This is experimenting on the border of lunacy....

These computers are kept in a closet.

I also have a laptop in the living room - a i7 quad 3GHz. There I write scripts with Scilab and R and copies them to the computers in the closet.

My problem is that I have a slow internet connection. Usually i have around 400 Kbps with a response time of 100-150 ms. And under those circumstances it works alright to use TeamViewer, but it is still a bit too slow to use editors over the network. I have cabled connections to my three computers.

BUT, sometimes my internet connection is even slower and down to even 100 Kbps (or even slower), with resonse times slower than 200 ms. In those circumstances TeamViewer refuses to work. (no wonder!). The last fortnight the internet connection was working at only 1% of what it should have. Only short text emails worked...

So, my thoughts are - IS THERE A SHORTCUT way of using TeamViewer? I mean, can it circumvent the need for an internet connection - and still connect to local computers? I found TeamViewer to be very helpful when accessing my weather computer from remote locatiions, without the need of No-IP or similar. Also, I could use windows remote desktop, but that does not support left hand mouse use, even if both computers and accounts have set up left handed mouses...(yeap a more that 10-year old mis-feature in win).

So, is there a direct connection method? In one place I used to work a few years ago they used VNC and even if the internet connection went down they could use VNC to the server room computers. I wonder if that could have been done TeamViewer?


Bagtjesen - (local dialect for OldStubbornMan)


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Re: Shortcut to local computers - slow internet
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2013, 03:25:55 PM »
loving your work!!

In Teamviewer the LAN connections are turned off by default.

Options >> General >> incoming LAN connections
You should be able to set 'LAN exclusively' on at least the three computers in the cupboard

In my youth I could pick certain specific cars by their noise, and even cars I didn't know, I could pick the make and size of the motor by the 'tune'. That was back when cars rumbled (like in Mad Max -


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Re: Shortcut to local computers - slow internet
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 09:37:03 AM »
Thanks Matt!

Yeap that worked nicely. For complete documentation though, in TV8 it is in Extras, Options, General, "Connection in local network (via IP address)",  "Incomming LAN connections" - the choise is between "deactivated" (which was default in my case), and then "accept" or "accept exclusively" - I have set mine to "accept" because I will use at least one of the closet computers from remote locations too.

