TV fails launching...
can anyone please help ?
logfile below.
copied from logfile:
2013/11/18 18:32:36.263 908 484 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2013/11/18 18:32:36.263 908 484 S0 CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=959164561 session=0 ptype=2
2013/11/18 18:32:36.263 908 484 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2013/11/18 18:32:36.263 908 484 S0 TeamViewer is going online!
2013/11/18 18:32:36.295 908 1432 S0 KeepAliveThread started
2013/11/18 18:32:36.435 908 1432 S0 CT12 CT.Send.CMD_PING From=959164561 To=0 L=4
2013/11/18 18:32:36.560 908 1432 S0 CT12 CT.Receive.CMD_PINGOK From=0 To=959164561 L=4
2013/11/18 18:32:36.701 908 1432 S0 NetWatchdog: Ping successful!
2013/11/18 18:32:36.701 908 1432 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2013/11/18 18:32:36.232 3056 2100 G0 Monitors: Default Monitor, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1024x768 (0,0), flags=2
2013/11/18 18:32:36.248 3056 2100 G0 CHttpRedirectionProtocol: Successfully registered
2013/11/18 18:32:36.248 3056 2100 G0 Opening local TCP connection to
2013/11/18 18:32:36.263 3056 2100 G0 Local TCP connection established
2013/11/18 18:32:36.279 3056 2100 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2013/11/18 18:32:36.279 3056 2100 G0 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2013/11/18 18:32:36.279 3056 2100 G0 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2013/11/18 18:32:36.779 3056 2100 G0 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2013/11/18 18:32:36.779 3056 2100 G0 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2013/11/18 18:32:36.779 3056 2100 G0 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2013/11/18 18:32:36.935 908 1432 S0 Resource-Language:en
2013/11/18 18:32:36.935 908 484 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 2480
2013/11/18 18:32:36.966 3056 2100 G0 Tray created!
2013/11/18 18:32:36.966 3056 2100 G0 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=959164561 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1
2013/11/18 18:32:36.982 908 1432 S0 CT13 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=959164561 To=0 L=622
2013/11/18 18:32:36.982 3056 3660 G0! CoreAudioSystemMixer::EnumerateDevices MMDeviceEnumerator failed with error = 80040154
2013/11/18 18:32:37.045 908 1432 S0 CT13 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=959164561 L=112
2013/11/18 18:32:37.045 908 1432 S0 CT13 CT.Disconnect
2013/11/18 18:32:37.045 908 1432 S0 MC.L addonchannels=0&ckaportsenabled=0&client=TV&commercial=1&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=487322038&id=959164561&iguid={21852583-6cb0-4c2b-b9d6-7ddba352e556}&keepalive=1&language=en&licensetype=10000&logging=1&mid=u4c4c4544004d57108046b5c04f52314a00123f1a27c986b6c60d2b5eafd9370a32cbf40a5644&midf=1&midhistory=0x00123f1a27c9_1c98ac715e6d386_3839200809|u4c4c4544004d57108046b5c04f52314a00123f1a27c986b6c60d2b5eafd9370a32cbf40a5644&midv=1&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=WinXP&port443out=0&rhash={00e6a3d0-edb6-c490-f31b-aa8438628146}&runtime=1&smidv=1&sro=0&supportedfeatures=397409245&tcpout=1&v=8.0.22298 - 0#OK_10000_-_2__37.252.248.75:5938_34503_1_-1_0.0.0.0__178.77.120.103_178.77.120.102_0_959164561_1_0_0_0_786217_
2013/11/18 18:32:37.060 908 1432 S0 CT14 CT.TM_WaitAtGateway. - CT14 - S14
2013/11/18 18:32:37.060 908 1432 S0 CT14 CT.Connect to TeamViewer Router
2013/11/18 18:32:37.123 908 1432 S0 CT14 CT.Connected
2013/11/18 18:32:37.138 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Run
2013/11/18 18:32:37.138 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=959164561 To=0 L=32
2013/11/18 18:32:37.138 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTKEEPALIVE2 From=959164561 To=0 L=24
2013/11/18 18:32:37.138 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::PingRouter(): Router Ping started
2013/11/18 18:32:37.185 908 544 S0 CT14 Activating support for ccmdV2
2013/11/18 18:32:37.185 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_SESSIONID From=0 To=959164561 L=8
2013/11/18 18:32:37.185 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=959164561 L=32
2013/11/18 18:32:37.185 908 544 S0 CT14 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 959164561 707604917
2013/11/18 18:32:37.185 908 544 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2013/11/18 18:32:37.216 908 544 S0 TVRouterClock: new connection available
2013/11/18 18:32:37.216 908 544 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2013/11/18 18:32:37.216 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.216 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=959164561 To=707604917 L=32
2013/11/18 18:32:37.232 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.279 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=959164561 L=123
2013/11/18 18:32:37.279 908 544 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20131118T163229.270248
2013/11/18 18:32:37.279 908 544 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds
2013/11/18 18:32:37.279 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=959164561 To=707604917 L=1380
2013/11/18 18:32:37.279 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.310 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.341 3056 3660 G0 AudioDriver: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2013/11/18 18:32:37.341 3056 548 G0 AudioDriver: Thread Running
2013/11/18 18:32:37.341 3056 3660 G0 AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2013/11/18 18:32:37.341 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=959164561 L=1779
2013/11/18 18:32:37.373 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=959164561 To=707604917 L=776
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 3056 2100 G0 AudioDriver: using rec dev 'SigmaTel C-Major Audio', 'STAC97.sys', id 0
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 3056 2100 G0 AudioDriver: using play dev 'SigmaTel C-Major Audio', 'STAC97.sys', id 0
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 3056 2100 G0 API: The API is not registered with Windows.
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 3056 2100 G0 Show Intro Screen
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.388 908 484 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.435 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=959164561 L=778
2013/11/18 18:32:37.451 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=959164561 To=707604917 L=153
2013/11/18 18:32:37.451 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.466 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.498 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.498 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.498 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.498 908 544 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2013/11/18 18:32:37.498 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=959164561 L=171
2013/11/18 18:32:37.576 3056 2100 G0 before opening URL: 18:32:37.591 2480 1668 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version8\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\Version8\TeamViewer8_Logfile.log
2013/11/18 18:32:37.607 2480 1668 L32 Starting Loader
2013/11/18 18:32:36.732 3056 2100 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f70000, refcnt = 1)
2013/11/18 18:32:36.779 3056 2100 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x2f70000, refcnt = 2)
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0!! CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead error 10054 reading from process 3056: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0!! CInterProcessNetwork::NewInterProcessDataAvailable(): ReadFailed session=0 ptype=2
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 TeamViewer is going offline!
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 Offline() StopListening.WT
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 TVRouterClock Stop clock
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 CT14 CT.Send.CMD_ENDSESSION From=959164561 To=707604917 L=4
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 484 S0 CT14 CConnectionThread::Terminate(): Sent EndSession with reason: 11
2013/11/18 18:32:37.795 908 3536 S0 Process 3056 in session 0 has terminated
2013/11/18 18:32:37.857 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Receive.CMD_DISCONNECT From=707604917 To=959164561 L=4
2013/11/18 18:32:37.857 908 544 S0 CT14 CT.Run.LoopEnd
2013/11/18 18:32:37.857 908 484 S0! CT14 CT.Term.SessionShutdownEventNotSignaled
2013/11/18 18:32:37.857 908 484 S0 CT14 CT.Disconnect
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 CT.Disconnect.TM_WaitAtGateway finished
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 CT14 CT.Term.TM_WaitAtGateway: SendQueueThread stopped
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 CT14 CT.Term.TM_WaitAtGateway: Terminated
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 1432 S0 KeepAliveThread ended
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 MainApp.Shutdown.GWS.Disconnect n=0
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 Offline() CT.Terminate
2013/11/18 18:32:37.904 908 484 S0 Offline() Shutdown.WT
2013/11/18 18:32:38.623 2480 1668 L32 Error! TeamViewer terminated unexpectedly!
2013/11/18 18:32:38.623 2480 1668 L32 Exit