I think this question has been asked a number of times, but I just thought I'd bring it up again to see if there were any insights about it. I'm running TV9 on a remote Win7 machine. Every once in a while I disconnect, and when I reconnect I am forced to log back on to the Windows machine. The reason is that *somehow* the "Lock on Session End" under Actions->Lock Computer gets checked. I NEVER check it intentionally. Somehow it is getting checked. Randomly. It happens once in every five or six times I connect. The bottom line is that when this is checked, the Win7 user is logged out when the TV session is closed.
OK, if there is some security reason for doing this, why isn't it done all the time? Why does this just happen every once in a while? What makes it happen? If I had my druthers, I'd rather that never gets checked unless I specifically do it.