Author Topic: Drops WAN Connection when connecting to both local and non-local computers  (Read 3635 times)


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Hi, every time (for years! so many versions, inc. v12 now) I connect i loose internet connectivity for 15-40 seconds. In most cases i do get a connection: in some i have to connect 2-5 times to get a connection. Ping to external IP completely stops (no DNS resolve), but pinging GW/LAN works fine.

Running Win10 and the "router" is a windows 2012 server. The other computers in the network has connectivity still.

Not the most major problem ever: but it is an annoyance non the less, why i still sadly use RA for LAN connections. Would like to move away from Remote Admin since you are better in every other aspect.

I would have to guess that it has something to do with routing and/or routing tables, but don't really know the stepps to take to diagnose it...

Hoping for any insight (and i did look thourougly for others with this problem: and seemed to find none)

